The future demands new thinking, new approaches, and new solutions. The Palladium Challenge Fund brings in ideas from our network in over 90 countries and partnership with over 1,600 organisations globally to source innovative responses to global challenges. We fund organisations and initiatives that:

  • Pilot new technologies and innovative approaches
  • De-risk start-up ventures
  • Deliver outcomes from innovative financial mechanisms
  • Support the convening of innovative challenges

In 2024, our theme is When It’s Time to Rebuild: Jobs for Refugee Returnees.

How can we connect refugees with jobs that bring them home and let them rebuild their lives while they rebuild their societies?

How to Apply

Conflict can leave unimaginable destruction in its wake, and the work to rebuild requires more than funding; it requires people with passion, resilience, and skillsets matched to the country’s reconstruction needs. Many of these people could be ‘returnees’ – whether refugees or other emigrants returned home.

Without empowered workers with the right skills, rebuilding after a conflict is slow and poverty remains high. The task at hand needs people; but just as much, people need to be connected to the tasks at hand. This is particularly true for youth who may see more opportunity to build their lives elsewhere, when the right approach to skills development and matching could help them build a life and future at home.

The 2024 Palladium Challenge Fund is looking for proposals from organisations that offer innovative and sustainable solutions to building a strong post-conflict labour market, connecting returnees with meaningful livelihoods, and supporting economic reconstruction and social transformation.

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