Category causes projects

Information crowd sourcing on quality of healthcare services in Indian slums.

Date: 13 Mar, 2016  No Comments  Tony Hunt

Tulalens is a social enterprise with a vision to transform under-served communities from passive recipients of critical services to knowledgeable consumers. Tulalens currently crowdsources information on the quality of health services to women living in urban slums in India. With the funding from Palladium, Tulalens has been able to partner with DataKind to complete a

Universally adaptable mobile grievance application

Date: 13 Mar, 2016  No Comments  Tony Hunt

Springfields is working to develop a universally adaptable mobile grievance application for factory workers to connect directly with brands who are buying goods from their factories. With funding from Palladium, Springfields has been able to complete the design, algorithms, and user interface for the application development. Moreover, they have commenced many of the of the